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Embracing a Life of Faith

Writer: Alysse BeasleyAlysse Beasley

What does it mean to live by faith? We hear this phrase, especially as Christians, but what does it really mean? 

We know in Hebrews 11 that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things we cannot see. Right after this verse, we get what we know as the “Faith Hall of Fame” and see the many people whom heaven knows because of their faith.  So what does it look like today to be like the many who have gone before us who lived by faith? I know that today, we can be caught up in things that are right in front of our faces and forget that God has great things for us, but we can only access those great things by faith. 

So, how do we do that? How do we live in a world, with all its problems and disappointments, but with faith continually active in our lives? 

Well, it took faith to save you; it will take faith to sustain you. You had faith when you took Jesus as your Lord and Savior; now, you must live a life of faith, believing God’s promises. To live life and take everything literally at face value with no hope for change would be a dreadful place to live.

Faith gives us the possibility that our lives can be different from where they are now! Faith in God’s healing gives the terminal patient hope that their life is not over when the doctor gives their prognosis. Faith to believe that God put you on the earth for a plan and purpose gives the assurance that you do not have to live in depression and suicidal tendencies because your life means something. Faith believes that God’s word is true! So when He says He will not forsake the righteous, it assures you that even if the financial climate of our country becomes terrible, He will supply all your needs because of His faithfulness. 

That’s the beauty of faith! All you have to do is believe, just like you did when you became a believer. Just like you believed when you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, that same faith now gives you access to the realities of heaven. We use our faith by filling our hearts and minds with the word of God and His promises written in the word of God. We use our faith by praying and declaring God’s word over our lives. We can access all that God has for us by faith. 

Hebrews 11:1 NLT says, “ Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”  We know it only takes the faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains (Matthew 17:20-21). As we dive more deeply into God’s word and the place of prayer, our faith grows. We begin to see God’s hand in our lives, and miracles, signs, and wonders begin to happen! Healing miracles start happening, friends and family get saved, and the vision for your life comes alive in our hearts. The things that could not occur outside of faith in Jesus’ miracle-working power begin showing up in your life. 

I’m not saying that your life will be perfect and that you won’t face trials because, just like the promises of His word, He also tells us that trials will come (John 16:33). Jesus tells us He is with us in the trials, too. It’s not your job to fix it in your own strength; you aren't the world's savior; Jesus is! Jesus already came to save, heal, and deliver us. It’s only our job to believe. We must have faith that God will do what He said He would, no matter what things look like. 

Between the span of one year from 2019 to 2020, I had six surgeries for melanoma and two other major surgeries and closed the business I loved. All of this within one year. Talk about feeling every emotion in the book. Questions began to come, and I needed answers. And the only one who had answers was Jesus. Answers that didn’t just put a bandaid on my pain but gave me the assurance that what God’s word says is true and, just like Jeremiah 29:11, His plans are for good and to prosper me. I knew Him as a good God, but I had to build my faith to believe what He still has for ME is good. Even though these things happened, God did not do them. He wasn’t an angry Father, and this wasn’t His punishment. He is such a kind and merciful God who wants the best for me. And it wasn’t because I lacked faith to see something change. It was a good God working all things together for my good. Even though He did not do those things to me, He was going to build my faith and trust in Him, knowing He works even through life’s disappointments for my good. God was taking me on a journey to know more deeply that He is the healer, the restorer, and the One who keeps me in all I do. 

Our job is not to figure out all the answers and connect the pieces. Our job is to have faith that even if things don’t look how we thought they should, we know God is a good God, and He has my best in mind. He will work everything for my good. No matter what, do not lose faith! Faith is required as a believer in this journey of life. God says without faith, we cannot please Him. Your faith is important. Faith is essential to run our race well. Like Hebrews 12:1, which says, “Run with endurance the race that is set out for us.” It is the fuel that keeps you going. And I want to encourage you today to keep going! Don’t quit! Don’t lose faith!

If you have been discouraged, I pray you will be encouraged today, knowing God is for you and not against you. He wants the best for you!  And though you might feel like you have been let down, know God is still on the throne, and He is for you. Believe again. Hope again. Have faith again, knowing He is a good God and gives His children good gifts. Keep believing and keep living by faith! 



Beasley Family Ministries Corporation

P.O. Box 2701

Daphne, AL 36526



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