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布赖恩在田纳西州米兰出生长大,高中毕业那年的圣诞假期,他在卧室里第一次遇到了改变人生的神。那一刻激发了对上帝更多的渴望。在他与主建立个人关系的过程中,他渴望接触那些需要与耶稣个人相遇的人。布赖恩开始热切地追求通过祷告和传福音来接触迷失者的呼召。 2001 年,他开始在他的大学校园积极追求祷告和传福音的呼召,并在 2005 年搬到阿拉巴马州汉密尔顿后继续参与 The Ramp 事工。搬到汉密尔顿后不久,一项接触该地区青年的任务很快就开始了,并持续了大约 8 年。除了使用 Ramp 在全球范围内施助外,Brian 还看到了以及关于上帝如何在区域、国家和全球范围内永远改变人们生活的见证。今天,他已经看到成千上万的生命受到福音的影响,并继续听到向世界传播福音的呼召。


Alysse 在田纳西州克拉克斯维尔长大,在那里她开始热爱艺术。从小,她就喜欢跳舞。随着她的成长,她对艺术的渴望只增不减。她在高中和大学继续接受艺术培训。 2010 年,她搬到了阿拉巴马州的汉密尔顿,从那时起,她一直在教工作室,拥有一个表演艺术工作室,在公共教育中教授艺术,并与其他人一起在斜坡部工作。多年来,Alysse 的主要天赋是她的舞蹈和编舞。在过去的几年里,随着上帝渴望与地区、国家和全球的人们更多地分享上帝的话语,她的发言越来越多。  今天,她利用自己的舞蹈和演讲天赋来帮助他人,并将他们的艺术天赋用作传播福音的事工工具。


Brian 和 Alysse 相识于 2010 年,当时 Alysse 搬到了阿拉巴马州的汉密尔顿,在那里她来帮助服务于 The Ramp 的事工,他们成为了朋友。他们的关系不断发展,并于 2012 年 10 月结婚。从那时起,他们一起成为 The Ramp 的青年牧师,拥有一家表演艺术工作室,担任神选牧师,并到世界各地传播福音。他们有四个很棒的孩子康利、伦敦、伊万杰琳和安博,他们很喜欢和喜欢和他们共度美好时光。今天,他们作为一个家庭的愿望是爱人、传福音和门训万民。他们想用上帝赐给他们的恩赐和才能来荣耀上帝

The Beasleys Ministry

Beasley Family Ministries is a family ministry that exists to evangelize and disciple the nations. Compelled to introduce the lost to Christ, our heart's desire and ministry is to win the lost and strengthen and encourage the body of Christ. 

We do this by coming alongside pastors and leaders to advance the kingdom of God within their churches, ministries, and communities. We fulfill this using the tools God has given us through preaching and teaching the word within the different gifts and talents God has given us and through various missional works around the globe. 

About Brian

Brian was born and raised in Milan, TN, where he first had a life-changing encounter with God in his bedroom at 17—that moment sparked a hunger for more of God and a passion to reach the lost. Brian took this newfound spark to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, where God began to open doors to reach people through prayer and evangelism. After seeing a move of God on the campus, God called Brian home to Milan, TN, for a season. It was here that Brian was exposed to a youth ministry called the Ramp. Through frequent travels to Hamilton to attend the Ramp, God opened the door in 2005 for Brian to move there to be a part of this world-changing ministry. Soon after moving to Hamilton, an assignment to reach the youth of the region began and lasted for about eight years. Along with ministering on a global scale with the Ramp, Brian has seen thousands of testimonies of how God forever changed people's lives on a local, regional, national, and global scale. He has seen thousands of lives impacted through the gospel. Today, he continues to hear the call to preach the gospel to the world and make disciples of all nations.  


About Alysse

Alysse grew up in Clarksville, TN, where her love for the arts began, especially dance. From an early age, she loved to dance. As she grew up, her desire for the arts only blossomed. She continued her training in the performing arts in high school and into university. During her sophomore year of university in 2008, while pursuing a dream to be a performer in New York City, she had a personal encounter with the Lord that changed her life forever. In 2010, she felt the Lord leading her to drastically alter what direction she thought her life would go, and she moved to Hamilton, AL. While living in Hamilton, she has used her talents to encourage others in their gifts in the performing arts. Since 2010, she has taught at various studios, owned and directed a performing arts studio, was a fine arts teacher in public education, and has helped in dance alongside others at the Ramp. For many years, the primary gifting Alysse used in her life was dancing, creating choreography, and directing musicals. In recent years, her desire to share the word of God regionally, nationally, and globally has grown. Today, she uses her gift of teaching to encourage others in their identity and purpose that God has called them to, and she uses her gift of dance to help others use their artistic gifts as a tool to preach the gospel and give glory to God.

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